Monday, December 23, 2013

NICE _ Christmas List... Ratings for brands

Check out this sweet naughty or nice list that has come up with ranking the brands social acceptability for the year of 2013. It's a great infographic and they explain their process as well.

Check it out HERE

Or you can go to (@christmassite) and check out good gift ideas and build your own list.

Happy Christmas!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Standing Stockings are for Gifting!

The Standing Stocking is the dumbest gift that holds gifts ever. Get it only @ walmart.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Eggified - Spiderman 2 Trailer

Check out the new Spiderman 2 trailer again (for the 200th time) and you will find the best movie trailer egg ever (or maybe this week). According to there is a hidden link for as shown here in this screen cap. Go there and you will find the even better Easter Egg of the press release for the next Spiderman movie and 2 spinoff's. Well what are you still reading here for???

Read the other artilce here

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

A good weekly reading...

Please read the article below when you have time as Innovation is our game we need to understand the trends that exist  in not only the world of product but the world of creating product as well.

If you have time read this as well (pretty dry and long).

The main trend that I keep hearing in terms of innovation is the terms they use for playing the stock (ex. High Return = High Risk VS Low Return = Low Risk).

Great Innovation = High Risk  VS Slow or “Small" Innovation = Low Risk

Cloud Computing? Maybe for some but not yet for all...

Interested in Cloud Computing
Here is a good website that may help in your examination of cloud v server issues as well as some other in-sites I have gathered (I wrote a paper in my masters InfoSys class on it last year).

Moving to all cloud based system is not a proven technology yet. Security and maintenance of a companies own files will still require a hard backup somewhere on and off site. 

100% cloud based companies are out there if you google it however they are considered XLB (Extremely Lightweight Business). Where the only files they need to maintain are files like Microsoft office files and other sales data reports (SaaS) and software building codes (C++ files).

100% cloud based is it for anyone yet?
Two examples are Microsoft Office and Adobe Creative Suite and these have both had major security issues with their software and “cloud files” recently which could mean bad news for us as those are the two main programs used by our company. Both examples require a monthly fee to use the “service programs (or apps)” we would no longer have “physically installed programs” that we pay for once. Overall this pay per month mentality of “service programs” would initially save money but in the long run we will end up paying substantially more with extra fees being added to contracts as the technology grows monthly. 

In my opinion 100% cloud based systems is an unproven still growing technology that will need to be proven to work before anyone can use it. A hybrid system could potentially work for many companies on a daily basis and which most are already using. I would still want one location I could call my own.

NO MORE LOGO's... We want ME.

During the past few early Easter product discussions we have been debating the trend of personalization and it’s relevance within our products as a trend. I have been since looking for some validation that it will be a sticking trend for the next few years. My initial reaction was that "ok we are transitioning" from do it yourself (DIY) to personalization (kind of the same thing). With the personalization trend “ME” is the key. Not so much as a differentiation from what I have to what you have (which is what DIY was all about) but a more of I am who I am (or I am me) amongst the group (group meaning everything from the person I am standing next to, to also the people that live in the same country as me [micro and macro level]) of people that I am around.

Below is the link I have read that I am using as my validation for this trend. 

I am not proposing that we remove logos and whatnot, I am saying that this is the trend. People no longer want to be a part of the masses (ex. Giant NIKE logo on my shirt) they just want to be an individual that stands out.

Been a while... Pantone... What's up...

Well the last post I had was about last years pantone color stuff.
Here's a new post bc we're back in action and gonna keep things moving.

The color of the year selected by Pantone is this purple or "Radiant Orchid".
Is this the new color I guess so, I would have picked something close.
What does the design world think Pantone has even joined in the TV ad world to promote themselves / cars and such. IDK about the promotion of Pantone as an everyday thing we as designers know about it and use it everyday but is it really a thing for everyday people to see what is behind the curtain? Marketing and designers alike should be prepared for a world that is not so manipulative and secret as consumers become more and more aware.

What have I been up to? I graduated with my Masters Degree in Marketing Administration, got a new job at as their Sr. Product Manager / Sr. Product Designer. Currently working on wrapping up Halloween 2014 and now currently designing products for Easter 2015.

Nailed it!